Strange Dream of a Dead World

I had this dream about two years ago, and I wrote this down at the time, but haven’t shared it here until now.

I followed this man and this boy through a portal to a wooded parallel world. The two had been there before, and the boy didn’t like it, and was upset because he thought he’d never have to go back.

The boy turned invisible to be safe, but there was still a shimmer so I was able to follow him.

He went up a hill to where there was a lone apartment building with a pack of black labradors in front. The dogs were all old, and they were all friends, happy to just be among one another. It was what they had.

A woman came out of the building. Her name was Mogham. She was putting up homemade posters inviting people to come running with her, but there weren’t many people on this world, and she didn’t have any takers.

The world wasn’t bad, but it was a dead world that just hadn’t finished cooling yet. It felt like autumn there, not winter, but with the understanding that spring would never come. It was dim, not dark, but with the understanding that dawn would never break.

It was a world that still had a little bit of the present, but no future.

That’s pretty much it. Interestingly, though, the woman looked South Asian, and when I looked up “Mogham” after I woke up it said that in Sanskrit it means “in vain, uselessly, without cause”. I’ve never studied Sanskrit, and I didn’t know that before the dream. Make of that what you will.