Strange Dream Medley

I had a few strange dreams one night a while back, and since it’s been a while since I blogged anything I thought I’d share them — why not? Anyone with an interest in dream analysis is welcome to have a go at it.

The first one was short and simple. I was at 219 in Old Town Alexandria, but, as was explained to me there, it was also the afterlife. I went out this door and there was nothing behind it but void. I just kept moving forward into it, but it wasn’t upsetting as one might expect. And that’s it; it was a very short dream.

In the second one I was in a town that looked like it could be in the Shenandoah Valley area and my car died. I had to get out and push it single-handedly up a steep hill (which was somehow possible for me), eventually leaving it in someone’s driveway until I could get it fixed. I was very upset because I saw that its tires had melted off and I’d have to buy new ones. Then I went inside this dive bar, and when I went upstairs there were these people who were all friends of my friend Andrew, and then Andrew was there too and I was really happy to see him. That’s all I remember about that one.

The last dream was the strangest one. It started out with me towing a boat and letting it into the water in a Florida-looking place, although it also looked like the Occoquan Wildlife Reserve where I took my son Noah on a hike a while ago. But then it morphed into me being on the back of the boat at night, the boat was going through the water at a fair clip, and zombies were trying to climb onto the back of the boat, and I had to push them off back into the water. And some of them were little kid zombies. Then I found myself holding a tiny baby zombie, and I said, “wait a second,” because for some reason I felt very protective of her.

That’s when the dream changed and it wasn’t that I was fighting zombies, I was just on set where they were filming a movie about fighting zombies. So I said, look, the other little kids had a lot of fun doing this, but if I throw this little baby into the water she’s going to be injured or killed. Where are her parents anyway? But it turned out her parents were impoverished people in Mexico and the production company people had rented the baby from somewhere and didn’t care what happened to her. I was obviously upset by this, but I needed to hand the baby to someone, and one of the other actors was Fidel Castro, except he was young (not to mention not dead), and he looked like the actor David Castro.

So I asked Fidel whether he’d had kids yet at this point (apparently I was aware I had jumped in time) and he said yes, so I handed him the baby. He started lecturing me on how to hold a baby, which annoyed me (I already didn’t like him because he was Fidel Castro) so I said, “I don’t need to be told how to hold a baby, I just wanted to be sure you wouldn’t fuck it up. I’m tired, and I just want to rest for a minute.”

And then I fell asleep in the dream and woke up in real life.

…assuming that’s what this is.